This disease is caused by an increase in the production of excessive stomach acid allowing it to rise up into the chest and esophagus. If stomach acid has risen, then the patient will feel the heat and burning sensation in the chest which will certainly interfere with your daily activities.
On the other hand, stomach acid is expected to help digest the food we consume so that the content of the food is easier to absorb and distribute to body tissues.
However, if stomach acid is produced in excess, this is an abnormal condition and has the potential to interfere with health. If this condition is ignored, it is feared that it will carry bad effects on the health of your stomach and esophagus.
Causes of stomach acid to rise
You can avoid stomach acid disease by recognizing the causes and trigger factors, this is where it is important to recognize the cause of a disease because with sufficient insight it will make us more careful.
And here the admin has summarized some of the points that are the main causes of stomach acid disease that we must be aware of.
- Consuming too much spicy food
- Consuming foods that contain too much fiber
- Unplanned eating patterns
- Strict diet that doesn't pay attention to nutritional needs
- Kebiasaan mengonsumsi minuman beralkohol
- Konsumsi kafein yang berlebihan
- Terlalu sering begadang atau kurang tidur
- Gangguan emosi atau depresi berlebihan
Setelah kita mengetahui penyebab asam lambung, tentunya telah terpikir di benak kita bagaimana untuk menghindarinya supaya tak mengalami asam lambung. Yakni dengan menghindari aspek pemicu yang sudah aku jelaskan pada poin diatas.
Gejala asam lambung naik ke dada (kerongkongan)
Jika seseorang sedang mengalami naiknya asam lambung ke esofagus atau susukan kerongkongan diatas lambung, ada tanda-tanda yang bisa dicicipi diantaranya yakni selaku berikut :
- Rasa panas di dada dengan sensasi mirip terbakar
- Perut terasa perih, kembung dan begah
- Merasakan perut mual dan bahkan muntah
- Mengalami sakit tenggorokan dan susah untuk menelan makanan
- Mulut terasa pahit
- busuk verbal
- Sering bersendawa
Jika anda mengalami beberapa hal diatas, kemungkinan besar asam lambung anda sedang naik dan harus segera diambil tindakan pengobatan biar tak kian parah.
Cara mengobati asam lambung yang naik
There are many ways that you can take to treat stomach acid, from the traditional way to the newest way that you can choose. But at this potential, the admin will share 3 natural methods that are easy and you can use to deal with rising stomach acid.
With reflexology therapy
Reflexology is a treatment method that is very friendly to our sense of hearing, this treatment has been used by humans for more than 2000 years and still exists until modern times because of its benefits that can really be enjoyed to treat various kinds of minor and chronic diseases.
Including here reflexology can be used to treat stomach acid that is rising.
Only by doing massage on certain body points will give a concrete effect on the symptoms or diseases of stomach acid that you suffer from, this is a very easy and inexpensive method and can be done by anyone.
With Cupping Therapy
Another method that you can take is by doing cupping therapy to reduce stomach acid that is rising. Cupping itself is also a classic treatment method that is still well known today because it is proven to have properties and a myriad of health benefits.
Terapi bekam bisa digunakan untuk memperbaiki persoalan pada tata cara pencernaan mirip maag, perut kembung, mual dan tergolong juga dilema asam lambung yang naik. Terapi ini terbukti memperlihatkan efek relaksasi dari rasa sakit dan nyeri lambung yang dirasakan oleh penderita asam lambung.
Letak titik bekam untuk mengatasi asam lambung memiliki kesamaan dengan titik bekam untuk maag, untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan baca dan pelajari cara melakukannya pada postingan bekam sakit maag yang sudah saya share terdahulu.
Dengan Ramuan Tradisional
Metode pengobatan untuk menanggulangi asam lambung yang ketiga yaitu dengan menggunakan ramuan herbal tradisional alami yang bisa anda racik dan buat sendiri dirumah. Metode ini sudah dipakai oleh masyarakat Indonesia secara turun-temurun dari banyak sekali tanaman herbal yang gampang didapat.
Berikut ini materi dan cara membuat ramuan untuk menetralisir asam lambung yang meningkat :
- Prepare turmeric as much as 3 fingers, adults are quite reasonable
- Peel the skin and then wash it clean
- Then grate or blender with a little cooking water added
- After that, strain and squeeze the turmeric
- Add 200 cc of cooking water
- Add 3 tablespoons of honey and stir
- A potion for one drink
Make and drink a mixture of stomach acid every morning and evening so that after 3 days there will be a real shift from the symptoms of pain due to stomach acid that is rising into the esophagus.
The three treatment methods that I have recommended above, you can combine to get maximum results with the desire for stomach acid disease to be able to heal quickly even with traditional methods.
Merging the 3 treatment systems can be done because the three are not contradictory so that they can be synergized with one another. So to cope with stomach acid you can do reflexology first, then after 30 minutes continue with cupping therapy and then end with drinking herbal concoctions after a 30 minute break.
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