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Give Proper Sex Education

In many cultures of our society, sex education is still considered taboo and is given the impression of being pornographic and inappropriate, especially for children and adolescents. Therefore, instead of introducing proper sexual education, the current sexual education program, in fact, gives more anxiety to young adults who are well informed about sexuality.

Sex education is still considered taboo and is given the impression of being pornographic and does not provide proper sex education

"They seem to be afraid that sexuality is something dangerous," said Inez Kristanti, Angsamerah clinical psychologist, in a campaign event on reproductive health titled #AkuDewasa, Tuesday, (4.9) in the Thamrin area, Central Jakarta.

The adult population in Indonesia is quite large. At least 28 percent of Indonesia's population are old women with fertile era & pregnancy risk. Based on this data, Sensitive Vivo together with 20 social communities created a Campaign on reproductive health at an age, as well as commemorating World Sexual Health Day which is celebrated every September 4.

“The more open the digital information network, if left unchecked, it is more likely that they will get the wrong information. As a result, their perception of sexual and reproductive health can lead to risky sex attitudes," said CEO Sensitive VIVO, Yoevan Wiraatmaja.

Therefore, Inez suggested that sex education for adults be given in a comprehensive way, including being given alternatives that they can choose for themselves. "As adults, we should give an understanding of how to help adults to make the right decisions about responsible reproduction. Psychologically, when someone is given a choice, he will tend to choose wisely," said Inez, who is also a psychology lecturer at Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta.

Regarding the sex education that you want to give, don't forget to observe the materials that must be age-appropriate. In addition, the contribution of accurate information related to abstinence and contraception also needs to be given to children. "Abstinence is a way to 100% avoid sexually transmitted diseases and unscheduled pregnancies," said Inez.

Materials that must be age-appropriate, such as teaching and telling children aged 6 years and over, for example intimate areas that are not held by anyone, except the mother and herself. The introduction of such things must be taught from an early age. Parents have to deal with their shame when talking about these sensitive things to their children, hopefully the children can be more responsible in dealing with their adulthood.

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