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Tips for Facing Hot Weather


Tips for Facing Hot Weather

The scorching sun and hot air the past few days have made outdoor events even more unattractive.

the past few days have made outdoor activities less interesting Tips for Facing Hot Weather

Hary Tirto Djatmiko, Head of Public Relations of BMKG said, May-June is the first month to enter the dry trend. Some areas in Indonesia have experienced symptoms without rain for 30 days. Starting from the areas of Nusa Tenggara, Bali, Java, and Sumatra. These symptoms will gradually shift to other areas.

"Especially the area south of the equator," said Hary.

BMKG predicts the peak of the dry season will fall in August and September. During that time, it seems that we have to endure a lot of heat. Because the air temperature can reach 32-35 ° C and only starts to finish in October.

"There is no unusual phenomenon, it is still relatively normal during the 30-year era," said Hary again.

However, this hot weather can be more torturous for those who want to fast in mid-May to June. Excess heat can cause fatal health problems, especially in individuals with heart and respiratory problems. Then how to work around it?

The human body temperature must remain between 36.1-37.8°C. If it is more than 37.8, the body has procedures to cool down by sweating. However, there are groups of individuals who are not able to sweat optimally.

For example, parents and individuals taking certain medications that block sweating. Less sweat means the body temperature will rise more quickly. If that's the case, they can make them tired due to high temperatures (heat exhaustion). If left unchecked, this condition will develop into heat stroke and can destroy the brain, other vital organs, and even lead to death.

Parents are one of the groups most vulnerable to exposure to hot temperatures, especially for those who are over 75 years old. Next up are infants and young children, individuals with chronic conditions, particularly heart or respiratory problems. Then, individuals with mobility problems, such as people with Parkinson's disease or stroke. Also, people with serious mental health problems, certain drugs, alcohol, and physically active individuals.

Tips for Facing Hot Weather

There are several signs from the body that we need to be aware of when exposed to high temperatures. When the loss of body fluids continues, the body will experience fatigue caused by lack of water or lack of salt. Symptoms of lack of water include excessive thirst, weakness, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. Meanwhile, the signs of a lack of salt are nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, and dizziness.

In general, symptoms of heat exhaustion include confusion, dark urine color, headaches to fainting, tiredness, dizziness, muscle or stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, pale skin, sweating a lot, fast heartbeat. There are several tips that can be applied to avoid the health effects of hot temperatures.

First, close all windows or vents in your home when it's hotter outside. Do the opposite when the air becomes cooler so that air circulation continues. You can use bright colored curtains to cover the windows, because dark colored curtains can make the room hotter.

Avoid outdoor activities between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. because these hours are the hottest time of the day. If you must go out, wear loose clothing, a head covering, and a hat. Take a bath with masbodoh water and drink water/fruit juice regularly.

You also need to avoid excessive consumption of sugary drinks such as coke, alcohol, tea and coffee. Because, sugar will be converted into energy, and the process will increase body temperature. Consumption of water as much as 17-20 ounces is recommended for individuals with high events such as athletes with a distance of consumption 2-3 hours before activity. Plus, consume 7-10 ounces every 20 minutes and 8 ounces within half an hour of the event.

The Expensive Formula Milk Can't Beat Breast Milk


The Expensive Formula Milk Can't Beat Breast Milk

In the first six months of life, babies should get breast milk (ASI) privately. Because formula milk as expensive as any will not be able to replace breast milk.

Because formula milk, no matter how expensive it is, can't replace breast milk. Expensive formula milk can't beat breast milk

“Age 0-6 months give only breast milk, exclusive breastfeeding. Don't give water either," ordered Dr. Attila Dewanti, SpA, in the Milna 1st Bite Campaign in Senayan City, Jl Asia Afrika, South Jakarta.

"The most expensive formula (formula milk) also cannot replace breast milk," added Dr. Attila.

Dr. Attila has also heard the recommendation for banana protection when the baby is 3 months old. If you hear the suggestion, please ignore it. Because a 3 month old baby doesn't need a banana. "Alright, just breastfeed. Breast milk has been the best," he added.

Regarding the protection of breast milk, Minister of Health Nila F Moeloek some time later said that there was an increase in the prevalence of breastfeeding mothers, which according to the results of the Lancet Breastfeeding Series study had reached 65 percent. This number increased compared to the 2013 Basic Health Research data with 38 percent.

Exclusive breastfeeding not only minimizes time because you don't need to be busy pouring and stirring milk, but also helps create quality young people with good mentality.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also revealed that breast milk is useful for making the baby's body easier to fight viruses, avoiding allergies and illness, and being able to increase children's IQ. Breast milk has offered almost all the nutrients needed for babies to grow and develop well. With the many benefits of being proficient in breastfeeding, don't be discouraged by offering breast milk for your little one, Mom and Dad!

Steps to Choose the Right Slimming Drugs


Steps to Choose the Right Slimming Drugs

Who doesn't want to have a slim body like the artists? Surely anyone would want it. But to be slim need some things to do. One of them by taking slimming drugs . But there are many slimming drugs on the market today that have bad effects on body health. For that, we need to be vigilant and must know what slimming drugs actually show the right effect.

Who doesn't want to have a slim body like the artists Steps to Choose the Right Slimming Drug

The perfect slimming drug is one that contains natural ingredients and does not cause bad effects on the body. In addition, it must be clinically and scientifically tested, so it is safe to eat by the body. Well, here are some steps in choosing the right slimming drug for the body, namely:

Choose slimming products from trusted manufacturers

When you choose a slimming drug, first of all pay attention to the manufacturer who created the drug. Make sure you choose a manufacturer that is popular and trusted, that way you will be sure to use it. Before shopping, look at the labels that relate to the manufacturer of the product. Or you can look for references from various media about the slimming product you want to choose. Also ask friends or customers who have used the product.

Pastikan produk pelangsing sudah lolos uji kesehatan

Langkah selanjutnya dikala menentukan produk pelangsing yaitu memutuskan apakah produk tersebut dudah lolos dari uji kesehatan atau sudah memiliki izin dari BPOM (Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan). Lihatlah pada label roduk adakah izin dari BPOM dan Departemen Kesehatan serta sertifikat halal. Hal ini penting dilakukan alasannya jika tidak teliti bisa saja anda menerima produk yang abal-abal tanpa jaminan dari BPOM atau Departemen Kesehatan. Jika produk tersebut telah lolos dari segala tes kesehatan berarti kondusif untuk disantap.

Teliti kandungan materi dalam obat pelangsing

Before deciding to shop for slimming drugs, you should first examine some of the ingredients or substances in it. You also have to know what ingredients are safe to make slimming drugs. Avoid those containing harmful chemicals. Look for news on the internet or books so you know for sure the content of slimming drugs that are right for the body. Choose slimming drugs made from natural ingredients such as vegetable or fruit extracts.

Also know how slimming drugs work and their side effects

The main thing is to check how the slimming drug works for the body and also the side effects. You can recognize it from the label or small paper summary contained in the medicine package. Read carefully in its entirety, so that you know the effect it has on the body. That way, it makes you prepare for what will happen and can anticipate these effects well.

The step in determining a safe slimming drug is really an important reference for those of you who want to limit food by consuming slimming drugs. Don't just choose which one offers a faster diet effect, but also one that is safe to eat with its side effects, composition, legality and effectiveness. Anyway, everything in the product has been tested and proven.

The beauty of the white sand beach of Lampung


The beauty of the white sand beach of Lampung

Lebaran is the right time for a vacation, enjoying the beautiful natural beauty. One of them is a vacation to the White Sand Beach of Lampung which definitely has peace and also its natural beauty. White Sand Beach Tourism can be a row of destinations in your picnic agenda while on vacation to Lampung.

Lebaran is the right time for a vacation. The beauty of the White Sand Beach in Lampung

This is the right time to use your moment with your family for a vacation and visit interesting tourist areas, such as the white sand beach this time, the enchanting beauty coupled with the tranquility of the beach will make your picnic even more unforgettable.

Pasir Putih Beach is located on Jalan Trans Sumatra, Tarahan, South Lampung Regency, if taken from Bandar then at least you need about 30-40 minutes of travel. Even so, this beach is always crowded with tourists from Lampung and even from outside Lapung who want to spend time enjoying the natural scenery of the White Sand beach.

Location of White Sand Beach

Precisely located in Tarahan Village, South Lampung, this beach has a distance of 20 kilometers from Bandar Lampung City and you can also travel by transportation or your direct car in about 30 minutes. If using a direct car is not safe, you can still use public transportation that is ready to send you to your destination safely.

If you have arrived at the beach, you will personally be served a beautiful stretch of white sand, it looks even more enchanting if the stretch of white sand is integrated with the blue sea water followed by the distinctive sound of the waves crashing. Moreover, coupled with the arrival of green trees that bend and wave in the wind, making your picnic even more complete.

Almost anyone likes the unique atmosphere of beautiful beaches and amazing panoramas, it's no wonder that the White Sand Beach of Lampung is always crowded with visitors. Not only that, this beach is also a beach of pride for Lampung residents as well as a favorite for travelers from Lampung or from outside Lampung.

What can be done on this beach?

There are many things you can do at Pasir Putih Beach, one of which is swimming, sunbathing, if you don't really like the event you can still take a walk to see too far about the beauty of White Sand Beach, besides that you can also look for suitable objects. to take selfies around the beach.

There's more, if you like adventure you can try water sports such as canoeing or exploring the sea by renting a fishing boat. After the eye can see you are faced with the presence of small islands, for example, Pulau Condong. To be able to reach this beautiful island, you can rent a boat at a rate of around Rp. 150,000 to 250,000.

Of course, the island of Condong is no less beautiful with a stretch of white and beautiful sand. On this island you can do snorkeling or just playing canoe. Asih is there, not far from the island of Lean there is still Bule Island which has been famous for its beauty with its coral reefs and also stunning ornamental fish.

If you want to go to White Sand Beach in Lampung, you should first look at Google Maps below.


Can Pregnant Women Swim?


Can Pregnant Women Swim?

Myths about taboos for pregnant women are in fact not all about food or drink intake. But also about daily activities and even hobbies. One of the frequently asked questions is, can pregnant women swim?

The myth about taboos for pregnant women is in fact not all about food intake or noodles Can Pregnant Women Swim?

Olahraga berenang tidak dilarang untuk dijalankan oleh ibu hamil sebab sama seperti olahraga lainnya, berenang akan menolong ibu hamil tetap terus aktif sehingga kesehatan janin dan tubuh ibu hamil sendiri tetap tersadar.

Untuk lebih tahu mengenai pengaruh berenang bagi ibu hamil, berikut ini ialah ulasan lengkapnya.

Bolehkah Ibu Hamil Berenang? Manfaat Berenang Ketika Hamil

Ketika sedang hamil, berenang mampu menjadi salah satu opsi olahraga yang dijalankan. Mengapa?

Dengan berenang ibu hamil akan merasakan banyak manfaat positif, baik bagi ibu hamil sendiri dan juga janin yang dikandung. Manfaatnya antara lain yaitu:

Melancarkan sirkulasi udara

The benefit of swimming is that it develops the body's ability to utilize and make oxygen which is important for the pregnant mother as well as the fetus.

Smooth air circulation is obtained through the performance of the lungs when carrying out inhaling and exhaling movements while swimming.

For pregnant women, this activity can help mothers get used to breathing processes, which is very important later as the gestational age increases.

Promote blood circulation

In addition to improving air circulation, swimming also improves blood circulation and also develops muscle strength.

What's more, by swimming pregnant women can save back pain that arises because the size of the stomach continues to swell with increasing gestational age.

Membakar kalori dan memperbesar energi

Berenang yaitu salah satu olahraga yang aben banyak kalori dan juga menolong menanggulangi rasa lelah dan penat.

Setelah berenang, ibu akan mampu tidur nyenyak dan juga cenderung lebih bisa mengendalikan pergantian fisik dan emosi pada kala kehamilan.

Selain itu, dengan melaksanakan olahraga berenang, ibu hamil mampu tetap mempertahankan berat badannya supaya tetap seimbang.

Melatih paru-paru dan jantung

Ketika berenang di dalam air, tubuh akan terhindar dari panas sehingga mendorong kerja ligamen dan juga persendian.

Dengan demikian, berenang memaksa jantung dan paru-paru untuk bekerja secara aktif sehingga menghemat terjadinya pembengkakan dan juga retensi cairan.

Yang mempesona lagi, berenang dapat menolong mengatasi nyeri akibat kehamilan.

Memperkuat otot rahim dan panggul

Berenang merupakan latihan fisik yang baik karena gerakannya membutuhkan kedua jenis otot besar lengan dan juga kaki.

Bagi ibu hamil, berenang dapat memperkuat otot panggul dan juga otot rahim sehingga meskipun sedang hamil besar, ibu akan condong tidak terbebani dengan berat yang ditopang.

Bolehkah Ibu Hamil Berenang? Resiko Berenang Ketika Hamil

Meskipun berenang bermanfaat baik untuk ibu hamil dan juga janin yang dikandung, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan oleh ibu hamil agar sesuai dengan tujuan utama.

Apabila kurang berhati-hati dan kurang antisipasi maka berenang justru dapat memiliki efek negatif, mirip :

Kandungan klorin

Swimming pools mostly use chlorine to keep them clean. If pregnant women swim in chlorinated swimming pools for too long, then this can have a negative impact on the unborn baby as it makes them susceptible to disease.

Wrong swimming technique

Not any movement is allowed for pregnant women. There are special swimming movements that are allowed and not allowed for pregnant women when swimming.

When swimming, pregnant women are recommended to do slow movements and not much pounding so as not to get tired easily and also get away from the occurrence of shocks.


Pool area must be slippery. Therefore, the balance of pregnant women really needs to be considered because if you are not careful it can slip easily. The risk is miscarriage.

Give Proper Sex Education


Give Proper Sex Education

In many cultures of our society, sex education is still considered taboo and is given the impression of being pornographic and inappropriate, especially for children and adolescents. Therefore, instead of introducing proper sexual education, the current sexual education program, in fact, gives more anxiety to young adults who are well informed about sexuality.

Sex education is still considered taboo and is given the impression of being pornographic and does not provide proper sex education

"They seem to be afraid that sexuality is something dangerous," said Inez Kristanti, Angsamerah clinical psychologist, in a campaign event on reproductive health titled #AkuDewasa, Tuesday, (4.9) in the Thamrin area, Central Jakarta.

The adult population in Indonesia is quite large. At least 28 percent of Indonesia's population are old women with fertile era & pregnancy risk. Based on this data, Sensitive Vivo together with 20 social communities created a Campaign on reproductive health at an age, as well as commemorating World Sexual Health Day which is celebrated every September 4.

“The more open the digital information network, if left unchecked, it is more likely that they will get the wrong information. As a result, their perception of sexual and reproductive health can lead to risky sex attitudes," said CEO Sensitive VIVO, Yoevan Wiraatmaja.

Therefore, Inez suggested that sex education for adults be given in a comprehensive way, including being given alternatives that they can choose for themselves. "As adults, we should give an understanding of how to help adults to make the right decisions about responsible reproduction. Psychologically, when someone is given a choice, he will tend to choose wisely," said Inez, who is also a psychology lecturer at Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta.

Regarding the sex education that you want to give, don't forget to observe the materials that must be age-appropriate. In addition, the contribution of accurate information related to abstinence and contraception also needs to be given to children. "Abstinence is a way to 100% avoid sexually transmitted diseases and unscheduled pregnancies," said Inez.

Materials that must be age-appropriate, such as teaching and telling children aged 6 years and over, for example intimate areas that are not held by anyone, except the mother and herself. The introduction of such things must be taught from an early age. Parents have to deal with their shame when talking about these sensitive things to their children, hopefully the children can be more responsible in dealing with their adulthood.

How to prevent wrinkles on the face


How to prevent wrinkles on the face

Wrinkles or wrinkles are one of the signs of premature aging. The emergence of these problems is very reasonable and is a natural condition of a person. Usually wrinkles can appear on the forehead, under the eyes, cheeks, and other areas of the face. Although not a serious health problem, wrinkles can make your face look older than its original age.

or wrinkles are one of the signs of premature aging How to Prevent Wrinkles on the Face

1. Reduce, Avoid, Don't Stress

Stress can have a bad influence on a person's personality, including the state of his body. Even though the situation is difficult because work and problems pile up, you should keep a concrete mind and relax. It could be the easiest and most useful way to overcome stress is to strengthen faith and worship a lot. Let everything flow like water. After all, every dilemma has a way out.

2. Avoid smoking and drinking coffee

Premature aging that causes wrinkled skin can be overcome by avoiding smoking and drinking coffee. The reason is that the nicotine and caffeine content produced can be one of the triggers for free radicals that are bad for the body. Likewise, the effect on the skin will save the texture of its softness and firmness.

3. Keep your face and body clean

Bathing and facial cleaning activities are mandatory ways to be carried out so that the body is always in shape and avoids the problem of wrinkled skin.

4. Diligently consume mineral water

Water is an important source of minerals to overcome loss of body fluids and maintain body fitness. At least try to drink 2 liters of water per day, especially in the morning and evening to ward off premature aging and wrinkled skin.

5. Set a life reference, especially sleeping hours

Staying up late or sleeping too late at night can be bad for health and also for skin firmness. So that this does not happen, try to rearrange your way of getting enough rest. If there are no problems or important events, try to sleep at 9 pm, so that in the morning you can stand up fresh.

6. Overcome wrinkles with antioxidant-rich foods

Like other parts of the body, facial skin also requires food and essential nutrients to maintain the stability of existing hormones and glands. Therefore, eating fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants is needed for this purpose. Some of them are apples, tomatoes and carrots are a combination of vegetables and fruits that can be made as juice.

7. Prevent wrinkles by diligently exercising

Exercise is of course useful for the health of the body as a whole. Even so, it turns out that there are still many people who are lazy to exercise, causing many disease problems in the body. Likewise, if you are lazy to exercise, your facial skin will look withered, even wrinkles may arise which should not come out because you are still quite young. The sport proposed to overcome wrinkles on the face is able to do jogging in the morning. By running in the morning, in addition to breathing fresh air, it is also able to clear the mind.

8. Regular facial massage

A short massage can help get rid of wrinkles on the face immediately. Try massaging only on the lymph nodes, this aims to clean up excess water weight on the face.

9. Prevent Wrinkles Wrinkles with Tea Consumption

By consuming tea, it can keep the skin healthy and hygienic, delay and minimize the appearance of wrinkles on the face as well as the skin under the eyes, and can even prevent various skin diseases. but it is recommended not to drink too strong tea.

10. Prevent Wrinkles Wrinkles by Eating Salmon

Salmon is good to eat and is useful for getting rid of wrinkles in the area around your eyes. In addition, fish other than salmon are also good to eat because they contain a lot of additional protein and contain omega three and fatty acids.

Effective System To Treat Stomach Acid


Effective System To Treat Stomach Acid

Stomach acid is a health disorder that is often suffered by humans in today's modern era, it is caused by irregular eating examples and a lack of observing the type of food that has the opportunity to cause stomach disorders.

is a health disorder that is often suffered by humans in modern times when the Effective Method for Treating Stomach Acid

This disease is caused by an increase in the production of excessive stomach acid allowing it to rise up into the chest and esophagus. If stomach acid has risen, then the patient will feel the heat and burning sensation in the chest which will certainly interfere with your daily activities.

On the other hand, stomach acid is expected to help digest the food we consume so that the content of the food is easier to absorb and distribute to body tissues.

However, if stomach acid is produced in excess, this is an abnormal condition and has the potential to interfere with health. If this condition is ignored, it is feared that it will carry bad effects on the health of your stomach and esophagus.

Causes of stomach acid to rise

is a health disorder that is often suffered by humans in modern times when the Effective Method for Treating Stomach Acid

You can avoid stomach acid disease by recognizing the causes and trigger factors, this is where it is important to recognize the cause of a disease because with sufficient insight it will make us more careful.

And here the admin has summarized some of the points that are the main causes of stomach acid disease that we must be aware of.

  • Consuming too much spicy food
  • Consuming foods that contain too much fiber
  • Unplanned eating patterns
  • Strict diet that doesn't pay attention to nutritional needs
  • Kebiasaan mengonsumsi minuman beralkohol
  • Konsumsi kafein yang berlebihan
  • Terlalu sering begadang atau kurang tidur
  • Gangguan emosi atau depresi berlebihan

Setelah kita mengetahui penyebab asam lambung, tentunya telah terpikir di benak kita bagaimana untuk menghindarinya supaya tak mengalami asam lambung. Yakni dengan menghindari aspek pemicu yang sudah aku jelaskan pada poin diatas.

Gejala asam lambung naik ke dada (kerongkongan)

Jika seseorang sedang mengalami naiknya asam lambung ke esofagus atau susukan kerongkongan diatas lambung, ada tanda-tanda yang bisa dicicipi diantaranya yakni selaku berikut :

  • Rasa panas di dada dengan sensasi mirip terbakar
  • Perut terasa perih, kembung dan begah
  • Merasakan perut mual dan bahkan muntah
  • Mengalami sakit tenggorokan dan susah untuk menelan makanan
  • Mulut terasa pahit
  • busuk verbal
  • Sering bersendawa

Jika anda mengalami beberapa hal diatas, kemungkinan besar asam lambung anda sedang naik dan harus segera diambil tindakan pengobatan biar tak kian parah.

Cara mengobati asam lambung yang naik

There are many ways that you can take to treat stomach acid, from the traditional way to the newest way that you can choose. But at this potential, the admin will share 3 natural methods that are easy and you can use to deal with rising stomach acid.

With reflexology therapy

Reflexology is a treatment method that is very friendly to our sense of hearing, this treatment has been used by humans for more than 2000 years and still exists until modern times because of its benefits that can really be enjoyed to treat various kinds of minor and chronic diseases.

Including here reflexology can be used to treat stomach acid that is rising.

Only by doing massage on certain body points will give a concrete effect on the symptoms or diseases of stomach acid that you suffer from, this is a very easy and inexpensive method and can be done by anyone.

With Cupping Therapy

Another method that you can take is by doing cupping therapy to reduce stomach acid that is rising. Cupping itself is also a classic treatment method that is still well known today because it is proven to have properties and a myriad of health benefits.

Terapi bekam bisa digunakan untuk memperbaiki persoalan pada tata cara pencernaan mirip maag, perut kembung, mual dan tergolong juga dilema asam lambung yang naik. Terapi ini terbukti memperlihatkan efek relaksasi dari rasa sakit dan nyeri lambung yang dirasakan oleh penderita asam lambung.

Letak titik bekam untuk mengatasi asam lambung memiliki kesamaan dengan titik bekam untuk maag, untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan baca dan pelajari cara melakukannya pada postingan bekam sakit maag yang sudah saya share terdahulu.

Dengan Ramuan Tradisional

Metode pengobatan untuk menanggulangi asam lambung yang ketiga yaitu dengan menggunakan ramuan herbal tradisional alami yang bisa anda racik dan buat sendiri dirumah. Metode ini sudah dipakai oleh masyarakat Indonesia secara turun-temurun dari banyak sekali tanaman herbal yang gampang didapat.

Berikut ini materi dan cara membuat ramuan untuk menetralisir asam lambung yang meningkat :

  • Prepare turmeric as much as 3 fingers, adults are quite reasonable
  • Peel the skin and then wash it clean
  • Then grate or blender with a little cooking water added
  • After that, strain and squeeze the turmeric
  • Add 200 cc of cooking water
  • Add 3 tablespoons of honey and stir
  • A potion for one drink

Make and drink a mixture of stomach acid every morning and evening so that after 3 days there will be a real shift from the symptoms of pain due to stomach acid that is rising into the esophagus.

The three treatment methods that I have recommended above, you can combine to get maximum results with the desire for stomach acid disease to be able to heal quickly even with traditional methods.

Merging the 3 treatment systems can be done because the three are not contradictory so that they can be synergized with one another. So to cope with stomach acid you can do reflexology first, then after 30 minutes continue with cupping therapy and then end with drinking herbal concoctions after a 30 minute break.

Advantages of Lip Stain Over Lipstick


Advantages of Lip Stain Over Lipstick

Having smooth and attractive lips is an additional plus for the appearance of women. To accept it all, women usually use lipstick.

be an additional plus for the appearance of women Advantages of Lip Stain Compared to Lipstick

Well, some cosmetic brands issue a special type of cosmetic for the lips that will show you the ease and no need to use lipstick over and over again to keep your performance always sweet. It's called Lip-Stain or lip tint.

Lip stain or lip tint is a relatively new type of product for this type of cosmetic. You may use lipstick a lot, but it doesn't offer a long-lasting color. In contrast to lip tint or lip stain which will give color to the lips longer. This type of lipstick is basically a crayon that will leave the color on the lips for a few hours.

There are many arguments that why women today should stop using lipstick and use lip tint or lip stain for a new and trendy look. There are several advantages of lip stain compared to lipstick which you can see in the post below.

Advantages of Lip Stain Over Lipstick

be an additional plus for the appearance of women Advantages of Lip Stain Compared to Lipstick

1. Warna Yang Lebih Tahan Lama

Lip tint atau lip stain lebih tahan lama daripada lipstik. Pewarna bibir ini dibentuk secara khusus untuk mewarnai bibir atau sebagai pewarna bibir yang mampu tetap menempel seharian pada bibir Anda. Memiliki kandungan formula yang tahan hingga berjam-jam menciptakan Anda tidak perlu terus-menerus menerapkannya pada bibir.

Jika khawatir, lip tint tidak akan merusak bibir Anda. Meskipun dikala digunakan akan membuat bibir terasa kering, tetapi berbagai jenis lip stain saat ini telah memiliki kandungan pelembab di dalamnya. Atau Anda dapat menggunakan perhiasan lipgloss.

2. Tidak Mudah Hilang

Lip tint atau lip stain tidak akan hilang dengan gampang bahkan kalau Anda menggosok bibir, makan atau minum. Beberapa jenis lip tint akan tahan lebih dari 8 jam tanpa memudar. Saat ini, lip tintjuga sudah mampu Anda peroleh yang berbahan waterproff yang hendak tahan ketika terkena air.

If you want to clean it, use olive oil which will help remove it quickly.

3. Have a taste

Lipstick that has a magical taste is different from lip stains that have a taste and aroma. Lip stains generally have a candy-like taste and a candy-like aroma. You won't even stop wetting your lips to taste the lip stain.

4. Does not leave a mark on the lips

Many women feel irritated when they find lipstick on their teeth or lips. When using lipstick, generally lipstick will be left behind or give a striped shape to the lips which can be very annoying.

5. Look More Natural

Lip stain has many opposite colors than lipstick. In lip stain, you can get a natural brown color that will make your lips look more natural. All these colors are perfect for your lips. Unlike lipstick, with a lip stain will not make the lips look like wearing electricity.

You don't have to use a lipstick that has a shine to make your lips look shiny because a lip stain will. Even when in the sun, the lips will get the perfect light. Unlike lipstick, lip stain doesn't stand out.

6. More Efficient

When shopping for lipsticks, you will only get colors that are good but not long lasting. You have to use it every day so the need for lipstick will grow and cost a lot of money. But with lip stain, you only need to use a little to get a result that is equivalent to lipstick.

In addition, for one lip stain you can use it 1 to 2 months because only a small amount of use is needed but will give optimal results.

Those are the arguments why lip stain is better to use than lip tint. Although the price of the lip stain will be a bit draining the pocket but the results provided will be very satisfying. Hope it's useful.

The Benefits of Using Corsets From Many Factors


The Benefits of Using Corsets From Many Factors

Corsets have been an important part of clothing for hundreds of years. Corsets actually became popular in mainland Europe since the 16th century.

Corset is a type of clothing that is tight and is used as underwear. The benefits of wearing a corset that have been enjoyed by women for a long time are shrinking the stomach and lifting the breasts up so that they maintain a slim body shape and offer curves.

In addition, the benefits of wearing a corset also include various factors such as physical, social and mental. As; healthy and suitable for sufferers of various diseases such as hypothyroidism which causes frequent back pain.

Wearing a corset will help support your bones and maintain an upright posture. In addition, the corset is also suitable for handling menstruation, because of its tight ability to grip the uterus so as to minimize the movement of the cramps.

In addition, the broad benefits of wearing a corset are as follows.

Corset Benefits for Physical Health

Corsets can help prevent injury, heal injuries in the past century, change the morphological shape of the body and much more. The corset will help you stabilize your physical state.

has become an important part of clothing for hundreds of years Benefits of Wearing Corsets from Various Aspects

Among the benefits of wearing a visible corset are:

  • Helps reduce back and waist pain. Corsets help support bones and improve posture, and aid in the recovery process from injuries.
  • Reduces headaches and migraines. Wearing a corset can improve posture which saves stress on the neck and shoulders.
  • Prevents the risk of back injury. Corsets show support during work, such as lifting and repetitive and prolonged work such as in front of a computer.
  • For singers, this corset can act as a support that provides resistance to diaphragm pressure, which can help the singer reach higher notes.

Corset Benefits For Mental Health

The benefit of wearing a corset in this context is to create the ultimate alpha mentality through better posture, relieve anxiety and provide deep stress on people with autism.

has become an important part of clothing for hundreds of years Benefits of Wearing Corsets from Various Aspects

Wearing this corset will also help you get through the periods of sadness and depression better, especially the stress that occurs on a daily basis. Some of the benefits of using a corset for other mental and emotional health are:

  • Helps treat eating disorders. Corsets maintain a more ideal body weight, because corsets will help control eating habits. So that the ideal body weight is able to stay awake.
  • The corset will help develop self-confidence. Corsets will support a person in improving body posture so that it helps speed up those who have a not very good body shape, and for those who have experienced mental torment because of body shape.
  • Corsets can help people who suffer from ADHD or a personality disorder to feel more secure with constant physical feelings and can maintain a balance of thoughts.
  • Corsets help with stress, panic attacks or common anxiety. Some corsets are indeed used for therapy and are used to make babies calm. Pressure on the abdomen during use can also minimize nausea.

The Benefits of Corsets in Social Life

Wearing a corset will help you define your social life, make you respect and take care of yourself so that you will gain the respect of others, help you understand good and proper management of goods.

This will also influence others to imitate a healthier lifestyle as one of the benefits of using a corset that looks from yourself. Providing useful information to others is a joy in itself.

The benefits of using a corset will be maximized with regular use and determining the type and material of the corset that is the safest and most comfortable for you.

Only use corsets from reputable manufacturers and are known for their quality, because corsets will usually be used for a long time. Using the wrong ones will not help you achieve your goals, and is a bad investment.